版权归作者所有,任何形式转载请联系作者。 作者:杭州美博会(来自豆瓣) 来源/note/654325784/ 浙江**美博会杭州美博会4.8日即将开幕了,还没参加的小伙伴们快来加入吧。首先带大家看一下日程安排吧 ??布展时间:2018年4月6日-7日【两天布展时间】 ??开展期间:2018年4月8日-10日【9点-16点30分】 ??撤展时间:2018年4月10日【15:00} ? ?接下来给大家介绍一下参展主题和范围 专业线 Professional line 1:美容品、护肤品、美甲用品、纹绣纹刺、**用品、美体内衣、美容保健营养品、生物制品。 Cosmetics, skin care products, Manicure supplies, tattoo tattoo, slimming products, slimming underwear, beauty health nutrition and biological products. 1:美容美发*仪器、设备,如激光美容仪器、SPA设备、电子*仪、光子嫩肤仪、超声*器等相关产业厂商及产品。 Beauty and hairdressing slimming instruments and equipment, such as laser beauty apparatus, SPA equipment, electronic slimming instrument, Photorejuvenation instrument, ultrasonic liposuction device and other related industrial manufacturers and products. 1:医疗整形美容机构、医疗美容院校、医疗美容中心 、医疗整形手术器械及设备、手术耗材、医疗整形材料、功能性康复仪、理疗仪、多功能护理设备等: 休闲、瑜伽健身健康器械等相关产业厂商及产品。 Medical cosmetic institutions, medical institutions, medical cosmetic plastic surgery beauty center, medical instrument and equipment, surgical supplies, medical plastic materials, functional rehabilitation, physiotherapy, multifunctional nursing equipment such as: leisure, yoga fitness and health equipment and other related industries and products manufacturers. 1:美容养生连锁机构、中医药美容、中医药浴、中医灸疗 、健身中心、美容教育培训机构、美容书刊杂志网络及现场演示。 Beauty health chain, Chinese medicine, Chinese medicine, Chinese medicine moxibustion beauty bath, fitness center and beauty education and training institutions, beauty magazines and network demonstration site. 1:美容养生连锁机构、中医药美容、中医药浴、中医灸疗 、健身中心、美容教育培训机构、美容书刊杂志网络及现场演示。 Beauty health chain, Chinese medicine, Chinese medicine, Chinese medicine moxibustion beauty bath, fitness center and beauty education and training institutions, beauty magazines and network demonstration site. 日化线 Daily chemical line: 1: 化妆品、盥洗用品、美容美发、孕宝养护用品、婴童卫生护理用品、婴童洗护用品、个人护理及家庭护理用品的原材料及辅料供应商和生产商。 The raw materials and accessories suppliers and manufacturers of cosmetics, toiletries, beauty salons, yunbao maintenance supplies, baby health care products, baby care products, personal care and home care products. 1: 日化原材料、配料、包装材料技术及生产设备,日化洗涤、足浴沐浴用品、包装机械、化妆品包装容器,实验室及产品研发、检测机构。 Daily raw materials, ingredients, packaging materials, technology and production equipment, chemical washing, foot bath products, packaging machinery, cosmetics packaging containers, laboratory and product research and development, testing institutions. 时尚美发发制品 Fashion hair products 2018杭州美博会参展费用: Δ标准展位:3m×3m = 9㎡ 6800元/展期 (展位包含:一条中文楣板、洽谈桌一张、两把椅子、220V电源插座、射灯两只) Δ旗舰展位:3m×3m = 9㎡ 8800元/展期 (展位包含:铺设地毯,彩色KT板 、中文楣板、洽谈玻璃圆桌一张、两把洽谈椅子、220V电源插座、射灯两只) Δ光 地:680元/㎡(36 ㎡起租,不提供任何设施) ? 想要了解更多可以联系咨询下方联系人, 让我们一起在美业这条路上携手发展,共同前进吧。 联系人:陈先生 【同微信】 Q 邮箱:384631378 @ 地 址:杭州市登云路425号